Comments Pls.

Folks, I need help. I am an MBA aspirant and planning to apply to the top 10 US colleges in 2008. I am putting up my profile in the application fashion. I need your comments/advice on the areas of improvement in my profile.

Here it goes...

I have a run-of-the-mill performance in my career starting with the 10th, 12th and the Engineering degree.
* 10th - 76%
* 12 - 77%
* BTech in EEE - 71.32% (College not in the well known names)

* Around 6 yrs of experience in the IT industry by the time I join (2008)
* Got a campus placement in Infosys - worked for 3.5yrs
* Worked in Birlasoft,USA - 6months
* Currently Working for Thomson Financials
* International experience - Around 4years in US

Extra Curricular
* Active participant in Infosys Hyderabad Toastmasters club
* VP Membership in Infosys Chennai Toastmasters club
* Active participant in the GE Asset Management Toastmasters club in US
* Active trader in the Indian Stock Market. Does a lot of trading in the Indian stock esp. options.
* Have traded in the US stock market.
* Member of a real estate investment group. This group runs by buying/selling real estate properties.

GMAT - Will be taking it in Apr 2007. Targeting a score of 700+.

Plan of action
I am planning to do my MBA in finance. The strengths which I can project are
* Worked for GE Asset Management at client location(US)
* Currently Working for Thomson Financials
* Knowledge of Indian and US stock Markets
* In Thomson Financials, I am supporting the high profile products which are widely used in the industry for Investments / Trading and a good knowledge of these products.

* No NGO experience.
* No significant achievements in academics / sports.

Schools - Top 10 in US. Will give preference to those with better ranking in finance.

Essays - Planning to project my experience in the stock market industry. I think this will answer the Why MBA question.

After MBA - I would like to be associated with Wall street as an equity analyst(concentrating on the IT firms) in one of the big corporations like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs or in private hedge funds. In the long term I am planning to open my own Hedge fund or a brokerage firm.

Advice required on the following
* The schools I need to target with respect to my profile and in alignment with my future dreams.
* Areas of improvement to project my profile in a better fashion (GMAT, NGO experience or anything which makes my profile look better).

I have around 1yr in front of me to work on these.

Comments most welcome.


Gokmax said...

Hi sreenath,

My wishes to u buddy,

Comments on Profile:
Everything you had is a normal applicant profile

My opinion:
1)Dont worry on how much you have, It matters,how you are going to PROJECT your profile to adcom

2) NGO - experience it still a year to there. U can improve it in a matter of time.

Keep going, All the best for GMAT as well.


Sreenath said...

@gokmax -
Thanks for the wishes.

the being said...

Hi Sreenath,

Everything on your profile looked very adequate. What struck me most was wat u said were ur weaknesses

1. NGO
I don't think u need to place any amount of stress on this one. I do not have any NGO experience (u cud say that explains my dings, but) this is not all that important. if u volunteer, u shud also be able to show a strong affiliation to the cause that u r volunteerin for. or else there is a risk of it looking like a gap filled.

2.academic achievements
Since u have been out of college for 6 yrs now, it does not matter. mention any extra currics u did in college in ur resume, only to show that u like to get around. at this point in ur career, it might actually work against u if u place too much stress on ur achievements at college.

Sreenath said...

Thanks Sudha. I will keep this in mind.

Iday said...

I agree with sudha on the NGO stuff. You dont necessarily have to have a NGO exp, though some exp there shows a diff side of ur profile. In my understanding, they're only looking at what kind of work-life balance u have. NGO is not necessarily the only place u can spend ur free time :)

Target School - since u said u r chasing a Wall street job:
* Wharton
* Chicago GSB
* Columbia
* Stern

Areas of improvement:
* GMAT - something still in ur hand and u can perform well.
* Essays - i kind of think u have enuf stuff to write the essays. 6 yrs if exp is a long time - i only have half of it :)

Gaurav & Kunal said...

Hey man , i have started ablog on Gmat on which i will be giving out some very useful gmat preperation stuff which my brother had accumulated . He scores 710 in mat when he gave it from birmingham ( UK) a year back . Maybe it will help you in your Gmat preperation .
