Long time no see
Its too late now. Watch out this space ....
My GMAT Experience
I took the GMAT last Friday and scored 640. I won’t attribute this score to a bad day or anything like that, but would attribute to under preparation.
Couple of things I learned from this exercise.
1) Assuming a 3 month preparation, first month should be devoted to get the basics right as well as to get accustomed with the kind of questions in GMAT. From the start of the second month, you need to take full length tests on a regular basis, say once in a week. This is very important. I don’t know how to stress more on this point. I concentrated on the individual sections and as a whole didn’t quite know where I stood in the overall score. This was the biggest flaw in my strategy.
2) RCs are very important. I think I should have screwed it up in the RC section. I found the RCs to be different from the usual ones I see in the 1000 RC document. Most of the RCs I got were a short single paragraph. The questions are quite tricky and it’s difficult to form the Kaplan’s road map approach. Usually on all forums, we do more number of CRs and SCs. RCs take more time to answer and hence was neglected in the lot and this was my second mistake.
3) The CRs posted on the forums and in 1000CR document is quite good. You need to work these CRs. This will definitely help in the exam.
4) For SC, 1000SC document is more than enough. All questions are in the same pattern as we see in the OG and 1000SC.
I am still contemplating on whether to retake the exam.
Apr 1st
The discussions were far fetched with varying topics. The issues with the current Quota system in IIMs, the scams happening in hospitals, the advantages of being a doctor in a military hospital, the difference of taking an MBA from IIMs and the foreign universities, the life style of investment bankers etc. To add fire to these discussions, I had couple of Smirnoff vodka with lime cordial :-)
Days are running by and I have 19 days left for my GMAT and 28 days left for my marriage. I took another exam and got a 640 (Quant - 48 and Verbal – 28). I am not at all satisfied with this score. This will not help me get any where near to a top 10 American university. I am looking for a score of 700. There is huge scope of improvement in Verbal. With Quant, I would assume that I should be able to score around 50 with some more practice.
Marriage preparations are in full swing. I am planning for a bachelor’s party in Bangalore. Most of the invitations are sent out. Some shopping activities pending which I plan to complete today.
Infrastructure bottleneck
Check out the full article.
and the best part is ..like Ratan Tata, LN Mittal and Kumaramanglam Birla, he too has understood that India has opened its doors to opportunity overseas. The facilities available to Vishal are available to all of us. It only needs thinking big.
What i really loved is the last statement by Vishal
FIIs are our enemys, they take money from our share market.
This is very true, can’t agree more. These guys suck our blood, their heavy selling crashes our markets and they exit the position by making huge profits.
Comments Pls.
Here it goes...
I have a run-of-the-mill performance in my career starting with the 10th, 12th and the Engineering degree.
* 10th - 76%
* 12 - 77%
* BTech in EEE - 71.32% (College not in the well known names)
* Around 6 yrs of experience in the IT industry by the time I join (2008)
* Got a campus placement in Infosys - worked for 3.5yrs
* Worked in Birlasoft,USA - 6months
* Currently Working for Thomson Financials
* International experience - Around 4years in US
Extra Curricular
* Active participant in Infosys Hyderabad Toastmasters club
* VP Membership in Infosys Chennai Toastmasters club
* Active participant in the GE Asset Management Toastmasters club in US
* Active trader in the Indian Stock Market. Does a lot of trading in the Indian stock esp. options.
* Have traded in the US stock market.
* Member of a real estate investment group. This group runs by buying/selling real estate properties.
GMAT - Will be taking it in Apr 2007. Targeting a score of 700+.
Plan of action
I am planning to do my MBA in finance. The strengths which I can project are
* Worked for GE Asset Management at client location(US)
* Currently Working for Thomson Financials
* Knowledge of Indian and US stock Markets
* In Thomson Financials, I am supporting the high profile products which are widely used in the industry for Investments / Trading and a good knowledge of these products.
* No NGO experience.
* No significant achievements in academics / sports.
Schools - Top 10 in US. Will give preference to those with better ranking in finance.
Essays - Planning to project my experience in the stock market industry. I think this will answer the Why MBA question.
After MBA - I would like to be associated with Wall street as an equity analyst(concentrating on the IT firms) in one of the big corporations like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs or in private hedge funds. In the long term I am planning to open my own Hedge fund or a brokerage firm.
Advice required on the following
* The schools I need to target with respect to my profile and in alignment with my future dreams.
* Areas of improvement to project my profile in a better fashion (GMAT, NGO experience or anything which makes my profile look better).
I have around 1yr in front of me to work on these.
Comments most welcome.
Mock Test
Score - 570
Quant - 44
Verbal - 23
Not an impressive score for sure, but learned a couple of things and hence strategize my preparation plans.
1) Need to improve my patience level as well as stamina. So I have decided to take tests on every weekend simulating the original test atmosphere.
2) Improve RC and CR --> Practice, Practice and Practice. Kaplan should be a good bet for RC and CR.
3) Keep doing short tests in RC, CR and SC - This will help me to stick on with time limit and plot an accuracy graph. Need to touch 90% accuracy consistently before Apr 20th.
4) Quants - A score of 50 is quite achievable. Will start doing tougher questions from the CAT papers.
The clock is ticking...
Folks, pray for me, I don’t want to screw this up and go through the same pro
The good news is out. I am getting married to Dhanya on Apr 29th. Too many things to be planned starting with design of the invitation cards to the first night :-)
All are invited. One of our engagement snaps attached..
Other things which happened in the last few days
* Got through all the vagaries of the H1 visa approval and hence will be back in US by mid of May.
* Company is planning to send me for SQL Server 2005 training, which will go into my resume as a bullet point.
* My manager agreed to change my dell DL100 laptop to a lighter one.
* My fiancée is out today for jewellery shopping. Hope she gets a bag full of it and I can fund my education fees with that :-)
* Had a nice booze party yesterday and at last ended up breaking a beer bottle.
* As I was watching the Sunday noon movie, the power went off. Later realized that its not a blackout and its just for us. Ok, let’s check this out. Someone removed the fuse and disconnected the power cable to our house. Oh god!!! We haven’t paid the electricity bills for the last 2 months. They could have waited till the end of the movie.. I was watching Mammottys king :-)
The life cycle of a stock
What a nice way to enter the stock market from historical events to economics and to financial markets!!!!. The author highly recommends the book "Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets." by Stan Weinstein and I have started my quest for that :-)
I read part 1 and 2 of the same article and I am waiting for the rest. The article put in simple terms takes you through the life cycle of a stock in the stock market. In a glimpse, it talks about the different stages a stock goes through, the parties involved, support and resistance levels of a stock, volume it trades and in the end, the average investor always loose money.
The stock price depends on the basic supply and demand equation. As the demand for the stock goes up (there are more buyers in the market compared to the sellers) the stock value goes up and visa versa. For any stock there is a resistance level and a support level. Resistance level is the level above which it’s difficult for the stock to go up and the support is the level below which it’s difficult for the stock to go down. To put it in other terms, the support is the level at which there is a great demand for the stock and hence a lot of buying will happen. So it’s difficult for the stock to come further down. Resistance is the level at which sellers are more inclined to sell the stock and hence it’s difficult for the stock to go up.
The idea here is to identify the trend a stock follows and invest depending on that. As per Weinstein, the stock has the following four phases as shown.
* - This graph is directly taken from the published article.
1) Stage 1 ** Stock accumulation **
Usually this stage is started after a long decline of the stock. During this period the stock is kind of dead, not much activity, no big news, no big volumes and the demand - supply is almost even. The big guys (insiders and the institutions) with smart money identify the potential of a stock and its bright future towards the end of this phase. Me as an average investor, doesn’t have access to the knowledge base which the big guys are having and hence ignorant about the future prospects. Towards the end of the stage, the stock moves from the average investors to the big guy’s hand. They will start accumulating and slowly you can see the volumes picking up.
2) Stage 2 ** Mark up **
Now starts the fun. During the end of stage 1, the stock starts moving up. The smart money is in and there are no sellers. This breaks the resistance levels and the stock moves up. At this point, most of the stock holding is with the big guys. As the stock moves up, the fight starts between the big guys for accumulation and the stock further goes up. Now the good news about the particular stock is out and the stock brokers/analysts put a buy recommendation. Average investor sees this and starts buying at the peak price. End of the stage 2.
3) Stage 3 **Stock Distribution**
The stock is highly priced and there are lots of individual investors (guys like me :-( ) as the buyers. As the time goes, the stock stops advancing due to various reasons like the good news about the company is forgotten, the stock is heavily priced etc. The smart folks decide to sell the stocks and book the profit. End of Stage 3.
4) Stage 4 **Stock Liquidation**
Stage 4 starts with the prices coming down. There are more sellers than buyers and price keeps falling. The average investor keeps buying at each correction thinking that it will go back up. For the average investor, the start of this stage still looks good as the companies fundamentals are good, growth prospects are healthy etc. Even the brokers /analysts have the buy recommendation on it. Phase 4 ends with the average investor holding the stocks bought at the peak. Over a period of time, the average investor sells it in panic and this cycle continues.
During this cycle, the best time to buy is the start of stage 2. The average investor doesn’t have access to the information to identify whether the stock is at stage 2 or not. We can identify this cycle by watching the volumes and looking out for the big players.
The article ends with the following logic, it’s always better to follow the smart guys instead of the analysts / brokers. I always used to select a stock taking into account the fundamentals of the company but now after reading this article, I started appreciating the beauty of technical analysis and charting. I am waiting for the next parts of the same article. Will keep you posted.
Party time
The day before, George met a guy at the Etheena club in Leela palace and got an invite for the fashion party conducted by a Bollywood actor. We went there and it was unbelievable. There was a dance going on the stage. The girls were on bikinis, totally exposed and dancing in front of high society crowd of 300 people (of course all drunk !!).There were some Russian models and other girls who flew from outside India. Guys believe me; I have seen such stuff in US but not in India. Due to some technical reasons, I cannot post the photos taken during the party but shoot me a personal mail, I will share it :-). I am surprised to see things like this happening in India. I met the some new folks, all filthy rich kids, totally drunk, spending their father’s money with some girls around. At 11.30, as per the Bangalore law, they need to close down the place and hence we decided to roll.
Night is still young and the next hot destination, Club 9. Not sure why they didn’t close down the club at 11.30pm. We had some beers and then started dancing. Met some more guys & girls. I exchanged my card with a guy who is running his own software company. They are in the process of developing a product with similar functionality as Tally. Currently he is running the office from his garage. Man, I am impressed. It takes real guts to start off stuff like that after quitting a nice job. We talked for a while and he asked me whether I freelance. I was surprised by this question. I was like, you know..I have never thought about it, but then can give a shot. Just didn’t want to miss an opportunity, but then didn’t want to commit anything. He introduced me to another friend of his. Oh god!!! I really cannot remember any of these guys name. This guy is really funny and he owns a discotheque. Can you believe that? Chit chatted for a while.
It was almost 2am in the morning by the time we left the club. Came home, browsed for a while and crashed on to the bed.
and the journey begins!!!!
One of the great things happened today. I met my mentor Arun. He is gem of a guy. I really don’t have words to describe him. We met at a restaurant for a casual discussion on the preparation strategies, general career advice, choosing the b schools etc. I am really impressed by this guy. He has got a huge network. We spent 4.5hrs on the same table talking. One of the interesting things which came out for discussion is "Whether we need an MBA to succeed in life". He responded with a nice statement "I am married to my career but I am flirting with my MBA". Actually if you have the will to succeed, no one can stop you. But if you need an accelerated career graph or a career shift, MBA would definitely help.In the back of my mind I always had this question, whether a 40lakh MBA is worth or not (as mentioned in the earlier post). I couldn’t see a better guy to post this question. He responded back, asking me another question. How long do you plan to work in your career? I told him, may be till the age of 35-40 and then wanted to setup my own shop. So it would be like another 30years or so. The answer to my question lied in my last statement. If I am planning to work for another 30years, there is no question of whether a 40lakh MBA is worth it or not. This MBA degree will come to be of use in every phase of your career. I have never thought about the same in this perspective. To add to this, it’s a fact that, the 80% of the wealth comes from the last 15 yrs of your career.Then the discussion slowly shifted to personal life, time management, the four quadrants discussed by steven covey in 7 habits of a highly effective people. We talked about our reading habits, the forums we visit regularly, extra curricular activities, my trading strategies and interests in the stock market. He has a blog askpsycho.blogspot.com. We ended the conversation with me thanking for his time.
With god’s grace, I hope he is successful in his career and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
Is it worth?
So coming back to the topic whether its worth and will it do any good for my career? Thinking about the 2-3years of effort, the debt and many other difficulties on my way, I still feel it WILL. It might take 5years to get out of the debt, but I still strongly believe it’s the best investment I am gonna make.
I know there are too many things to worry about, but the idea of change is what’s pushing me so hard to get through. One of my friends recently told a very casual statement while having a couple of beers; you cannot go wrong with education. I thought about this for a while and felt he is correct. I might have to live with the debt burden for another 5 years, but in the long term I feel I will taste the juice of success.
Meeting new people with the same wavelength of mine, understanding a new economy, being in a new country and above all back to the college life, these are some of the things which keep me inspired.
I am signing off with the few lines from Swami Vivekananda
When I asked god for strength
He gave me difficult situations to face
When I asked god for wealth
He showed me how to work hard
When I asked god for favors
He showed me opportunities to Work hard
I want to be back in college by 2008. There are lots of schools out there and I am very confused which all to look at. Forgot to mention, I applied for SPJain institute in Dubai. This institute is well rated among the other Asian peers like NUS and Melbourne University. It’s a one year course and stream specific. During the course, you spent 6 months in the Dubai campus and next 6 months in the Singapore campus. This will give you exposure to both these economies. If admitted, I will do the MBA in Investment Banking. Finance sector is hot in Dubai as well as Singapore and hence might get placed in one of these places. On the flip side, the institute is only 2 years old and the profiles getting admitted have an average work experience of 2-3 years. With 5 years of experience, I think I will be the oldest guy around :-(
On the application front, I will be getting a response by end of this month. Lets wait and watch.
I am really worried about my investments these days. The stock market is behaving crazy for the last 2-3 days. It’s shedding around 100 point’s everyday. I thought this week would be really good as the quarter results season have started. It’s the Infosys results tomorrow and the stock fell by more than 100rs in the last couple of days. God knows what’s happening...
Day 2 of 2007
Is this a right time to invest in the stock market? I was like.. Did I become a financial advisor :O
This is the million dollar question for which no one knows the correct answer for sure. I remembered a recently published article about the biggest crooks in the stock market are none other than the folks(analysts) who come in suites and gets interviewed on CNBC. I never listen to them as they have their own interests in each market update. To answer the above question, I feel it’s a good time for short term traders to invest as everyone is positive on the 3rd quarter results from Infosys, Satyam etc. On the flip side, the market is very volatile with a recent correction of 1000 points in 3 days and a bounce back in the last few days with Nifty touching the 4000 mark yesterday.
I am worried to put in my orders and hence adopted a wait and watch strategy. I gave Sunny a nice description on how the options market works and how to punch in orders through ICICI direct.
I learned the basics of stock market strategies from George while I was on a project in GE Asset Management, CT, USA. I remember the quality time we spent together in the Gym and in different pubs in Stamford,CT. Today, after a gap of 6months or so I am meeting him in Bangalore. We are planning for couple of Kingfisher beers tonight. About George, he is an American with a polish descent. Currently working as an analyst in Goldman Sachs and this is his first trip to India. I remember making him eat a Dosa and taking him to the temple in Newyork :-)
The next interesting thing which happened today was the tough bargain with the street book seller. I got the book "The life of Pi" for Rs 20 :-). Read the first few pages yesterday and it’s interesting.
Signing off, will be back soon. Keep checking...
Jan 1, 2007
Jan 1, 2007
At last I have decided to blog :) Hope I will be able to continue this for a long time.
Folks, to start off, Happy New Year...Hope this year cherishes all your dreams....
The day 1 of 2007 started with me reaching
The discussion went smooth with my manager showing happiness in my performance and the challenges for 2007. Lots of new projects, new initiatives, an onsite opportunity and blah blah in pipeline... He (manager) is a nice guy and I like him a lot for his openness, cool attitude and of course for his happiness in my performance :). I had a fruitful discussion with him asking for some specific training on SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server clustering. The things which would have shocked him would be my questions on MBA. I told him that I am planning to take my MBA in Finance and whether Thomson Financials would help me in achieving that goal.
The questions were very specific with respect to Thomson’s policies on higher education
1) If I leave Thomson for my higher studies (MBA in finance), will I be given chance to come back.
2) Monitory wise does Thomson provide any help.
These questions surprised him. He will check with his Manager/HR and get back to me.
Anyways, the discussion went smooth and I got back to my cube. The rest of the day went with me taking a course on SQL Server administration from the
Don’t take me wrong, this is a must for closing the appraisal!!!!
The day went without any major production issues. Thanks to the clients who were out on vacation.
I was back home by 6pm. There was a red wine at home, but no friends around. Ditched the idea of drinking and started reading as I didn’t have anything else to do. There was the last couple of chapters left in Freakonomics, which I completed. One was about parenting which was very boringJ. Read an issue of The Week and Thomson inside magazine.
The first day of 2007 ended and I am signing off.
PS: - The next post will feature about my interests in stock market, MBA dreams etc.